Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Forexyard Auszahlungsmethode

Forex-Broker Forex Forex-Broker Bewertungen ForexYard ForexYards Web-Design-Team sollte für die Schaffung einer kürzlich renovierten Website, die Sie wollen in Forex-Handel wie ein Pool auf einem glühenden heißen Sommertag springen lohnt werden. Über die sofort ansprechende Einfachheit des neuen ForexYard sind ein Bündel von großem Unterricht Ressourcen, die Sie bis zu Geschwindigkeit auf, was Forex-Handel geht. Wir besonders wie die Video-Tutorials und die Tatsache, dass Sie ein Demo-Konto, um Forex-Handel Praxis ohne zu riskieren alle echten Teig starten können. Schauen Sie sich die ForexYard patentierte Forex Strategy Automator-Tool, auch - seine Schneide. ForexYard hat nicht das Pedigree oder die Breite von einigen größeren, mehr etablierten Forex Trading-Sites. Allerdings haben sie gewinnen eine signifikante Traktion auf dem Markt als Nischen-Player, die weiterhin auf bestehende Kunden konzentriert, nicht nur die Registrierung neuer. ForexYard ist kein Haushaltsname mit allen Mitteln, aber Kundenbeschwerden über diese Website sind wenige und weit zwischen. Als Firma geht ForexYard die Extrameile (oder Yard, wenn Sie es bevorzugen) für seine Mitglieder. ForexYard hat eine bewundernswerte Arbeit der Antizipation Kunden Fragen, bevor ein Anruf erforderlich ist. Dieser proaktive Ansatz für Kundenservice ist offensichtlich in ForexYards umfangreiche und intelligente Nutzung von Video. Video-Tutorials und TV-Interviews mit Forex-Experten sind ein großer Teil der ForexYard Erfahrung. Das heißt, wenn ein Telefonanruf oder eine E-Mail oder eine Live-Chat-Sitzung notwendig wird, ist ForexYard ganz vorbei mit einem der besten Kunden-Support-Teams in der Online-Forex-Handel. Sie sind nicht nur eine Zahl zu ForexYard. Wenn Sie ein riesiges Forex-Handelsimperium, das Kunden durch massive Werbekampagnen erwirbt, kann es nicht kostengünstig oder sogar notwendig sein, um große Boni für neue und bestehende Kunden anzubieten. ForexYard, im Gegensatz dazu als kleinere Nische Unternehmen, verwendet Boni als primäre Marketing-Methode. Holen Sie sich 10 Prozent auf Ihre erste Einzahlung bis zu 1.000 und 50 gutgeschrieben, um Ihr Konto nur für die Bereitstellung von Feedback auf ForexYards neuen Look. Im Einklang mit dem Ziel, die Dinge einfach zu halten, hat ForexYard den Einzahlungsprozess bis zu den beiden gängigsten Einzahlungsmethoden optimiert: Kreditkarte und Banküberweisung. Wenn Sie ein Fan von Net Teller, PayPal oder MoneyBookers sind, dann ist dies möglicherweise nicht die Website für Sie. ForexYard möglicherweise nicht die größte Forex trading-Website, aber sie sind einer der am härtesten arbeiten. Nach einer vollständigen Umgestaltung der Website, sieht ForexYou sauber wie ein Pfiff und macht große Nutzung von Video, ständig Bildung von Mitgliedern durch Video-Tutorials und TV-Analysten Meinungen und geben Ihnen die Art der Analyse bei Forex News-Sites wie Daily FX gefunden. ForexYard kümmert sich als eine sehr service-fokussiert Website und sie leben bis zu ihrem Ruf als die Art von Ort, die über nur mit Devisenhandelssysteme und erweisen echten Kundenservice (wie seine Kunden durch ihre Vornamen nennen) geht. Die Boni sind großzügig. Einzahlungsoptionen sind begrenzt, aber der Auszahlungsprozess ist reibungslos und schnell, genau wie wir es mögen. Einfache Forex eToroUSA Finexo Forex WebTrader ForexYardForexYard Robot Trading Review Auf einen Blick ForexYard bieten einige ziemlich viele hervorragende Features, wie ein spezialisiertes Forex-Mentor zu helfen, neue Händler mit allen Fragen, die sie haben können, sowie eine sehr häufig aktualisierte Blog und Fundamentalanalyse. Es ist klar, dass bei der Planung der Anwendung, ForexYard beschlossen, ihr System um Hilfe zu helfen Menschen nur gerade erst begonnen mit dem Feld, und das ist der Markt sind sie am stärksten in. Aber theyre tatsächlich ziemlich gut abgerundet und bieten maßgeschneiderte Insider-Trading-Tipps Für VIP-Kunden - nützlich für die erfahrenen Händler, die nur einen kleinen Rat, um die Gewinnspanne erweitern wollen. Was uns gefällt Eines der Merkmale, das unsere Augen sofort fing, war die Tatsache, dass die Kundendienstabteilung 24 Stunden am Tag, jeden Tag der Woche geöffnet ist. Nachdem jemand dort zu helfen, wenn Sie sie brauchen, ist absolut von unschätzbarem Wert, und kann ein echter Deal breaker sein, wenn etwas schief geht und niemand ist avaialable, um Ihnen zu helfen (vor allem mit der Menge an Geld im Devisenhandel beteiligt). Dies ist offen über Telefon, E-Mail und Forex-Sitzungen, was bedeutet, dass Sie nicht auf nur eine Methode der Unterstützung beschränkt. Darüber hinaus bieten sie sowohl variable als auch fixe Spreads an, abhängig davon, welcher Markt gehandelt wird. Ein kleines Feature, aber dennoch unglaublich wichtig. Der Handel erfolgt über die MetaTrader-Plattform, die für ihre Zuverlässigkeit und Einfachheit bekannt ist, so dass Sie nicht über das Lernen eines ganzen neuen Werkzeuges Sorgen, wenn youre verwendet werden, um diese anderswo. ForexYard gibt Ihnen auch die Möglichkeit, Forex, Rohstoffe und CFDs zu handeln, so dass Sie Trends in einem breiteren Maßstab nutzen können. Was wed Änderung etwas, das wir nicht ganz verstehen, dass, obwohl Amerikaner nicht in der Website akzeptiert werden, ist die Basiswährung US-Dollar sicherlich der Euro oder Pfund Sterling hätte mehr Sinn gemacht haben. Ein weiteres Problem, das wir gesehen haben, ist, dass viele Leute Berichte über ihre Rückzugsanträge ignoriert zu verlassen schien, aber da sie im Jahr 2011 übernommen wurden, sind diese alle verschwunden, so dass seine nur fair zu vermuten, dass es ein Problem mit dem vorherigen war Besitzer und ist nicht endemisch. ForexYard haben sich auf Legitimität und Sicherheit für ihre Händler gebaut und es zeigt. Von gehen, um die Mühe, ein menschliches Compliance-Team haben, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Konten korrekt betrieben werden, um ihre Lastschrift garantieren, die gewährleistet, dass Sie automatisch stoppen Handel, wenn Ihr Eigenkapital unter Ihren festgelegten Margin-Anforderung fällt, ist es schwer, sie als alles andere zu sehen Als eine große Firma mit ausgezeichneter Politik, trotz der kleinen Mängel. Registrieren Sie sich mit ForexYard Wenn Sie sich heute bei ForexYard anmelden. Können Sie ihre spezielle Bonuskampagne nutzen. Wenn Sie noch nicht getan haben, überprüfen Sie auch die anderen Forex Trading Roboter Bewertungen. Terms amp Bedingungen Retail Client-Vereinbarung Hinweis: Die englische Version dieser Vereinbarung ist die geltende Version und ist vorherrschend, wenn es irgendeine Diskrepanz zwischen der englischen Version und der Andere Versionen. Diese Kundenvereinbarung, zusammen mit den Zeitplänen und den begleitenden Unterlagen, in der jeweils gültigen Fassung (nachstehend das Abkommen genannt), enthält die Vertragsbedingungen zwischen Ihnen, dem Kunden (auch als Kunde bezeichnet) und uns, das Unternehmen. Mit der Unterzeichnung dieser Vereinbarung ist sichergestellt, dass Sie alle Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung gelesen, verstanden und damit einverstanden sind. 1. Definitionen und Interpretationen 5. Kosten und Zahlungen 8. Debitorenkonten und Einlagen 9. Handelspolitik und - verfahren 10. Elektronische Handelsbedingungen 11. No Trading Periods - One Touch Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen 12. Margining Arrangements 14. Darstellungen, Gewährleistungen und Covenants 15. Kündigung ohne Verzug 19. Kündigung ohne Verzug 19. Ausschlüsse, Beschränkungen und Entschädigung 21. Geltendes Recht und Gerichtsbarkeit 22. Werbebedingungen 1. BEGRIFFSBESTIMMUNGEN UND INTERPRETATION In diesem Vertrag bedeutet Konto das Handelskonto, das Sie halten Uns mit einer eindeutigen Kontonummer. Vereinbarung bezeichnet die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die von der Gesellschaft angebotenen Dienstleistungen. Anzuwendende Verordnungen sind das Seychellen Securities Act 2007 und alle anderen geltenden Gesetze, Vorschriften und Regelungen, wie sie von Zeit zu Zeit gelten. Associate bedeutet ein Unternehmen in derselben Unternehmensgruppe wie uns, ein Vertreter, den wir oder ein Unternehmen in derselben Unternehmensgruppe wie wir ernennen, oder jede andere Person, mit der wir eine Beziehung haben, die vernünftigerweise zu einer Interessengemeinschaft führen könnte Uns und ihnen. Basiswährung bedeutet US-Dollar. Saldo bedeutet die Summe, die im Namen des Kunden auf seinem Konto innerhalb eines Zeitraums gehalten wird. Bankkontodetails sind die Einzelheiten Ihres Bankkontos, in dem LCC die zurückgezogenen Gewinne und / oder einen Betrag von einem Rücknahmeantrag und / oder von in Ihrem Handelskonto verbleibenden Mitteln und / oder jeglichen anderen Geldbetrags belastet Zurückgegeben. Geschäftstag ist ein Tag, der nicht ein Samstag oder ein Sonntag oder ein öffentlicher Feiertag auf den Seychellen ist und an dem Banken für die Seychellen geöffnet sind. Schließen Position bedeutet Deal von Kauf (Verkauf), die durch den gegenteiligen Verkauf (Kauf) des Vertrages abgedeckt ist. Vertrag für Differenzen oder CFD bedeutet jedes Finanzinstrument, das zum Handel über LCCs Handelsplattform (e) zur Verfügung steht. Credit Support Provider bedeutet jede Person, In irgendeiner Garantie, Abtretung, Vereinbarung, Margin oder Sicherheitsvereinbarung zu unseren Gunsten in Bezug auf Ihre Verpflichtungen aus diesem Vertrag. Electronic Services ist eine von uns zur Verfügung gestellte Dienstleistung, z. B. ein Internet-Handelsdienst, der den Kunden Zugang zu Informationen und Handelseinrichtungen über einen Internetdienst, einen WAP-Dienst und / oder ein elektronisches Orderrouting-System bietet. "Event of Default" bezeichnet eine der in Abschnitt 15.1 zu Klausel 15.9 von Klausel 14.1 (Default-Ereignisse) aufgeführten Vorfallereignisse. Execution bedeutet die Fertigstellung von Kundenaufträgen auf der Companys-Handelsplattform, in der die Gesellschaft als Ausführungsort für Kundengeschäfte fungiert. FATCA ist eine Abkürzung für Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act FFI ist eine Abkürzung für ausländische Finanzinstitute Finanzinstrumente sind alle Finanzinstrumente, die von LCC angeboten werden und die als solche nach geltendem Recht oder Verordnung definiert sind. Nach der LCC-Lizenz lauten diese: i. Übertragbare Wertpapiere ii. Geldmarktinstrumente iii. Anteile an Organismen für gemeinsame Anlagen iv. Optionen, Futures, Swaps, Forward Rate Agreements und alle anderen Derivatekontrakte in Bezug auf Wertpapiere, Währungen, Zinssätze oder Renditen oder andere derivative Instrumente, Finanzindizes oder finanzielle Maßnahmen, die physisch oder in bar abgerechnet werden können. V. Optionen, Futures, Swaps, Forward Rate Agreements und alle anderen Derivatkontrakte in Bezug auf Rohstoffe, die in bar beglichen werden müssen oder in bar nach Wahl einer der Parteien in bar beglichen werden können (ansonsten aufgrund eines Ausfalls oder einer sonstigen Kündigung) Event). Vi Optionen, Futures, Swaps und alle anderen Derivatekontrakte auf Waren, die physisch abgewickelt werden können, sofern sie an einem geregelten Markt gehandelt werden, und / oder eine MTF. Vii. Optionen, Termingeschäfte, Swaps, Termingeschäfte und sonstige Derivatkontrakte im Zusammenhang mit Rohstoffen, die unter Ziffer (vi) oben nicht anderweitig erwähnt werden können und nicht zu gewerblichen Zwecken dienen, die die Merkmale anderer derivativer Finanzinstrumente aufweisen, unter Berücksichtigung von Ob sie unter anderem über anerkannte Clearingstellen geklärt und beglichen werden oder regelmäßig Margin-Anrufe unterliegen. Viii. Derivative Instrumente für die Übertragung von Kreditrisiken. Ix. Finanzierungsverträge für Unterschiede. X. Englisch: eur-lex. europa. eu/LexUriServ/LexUri...0007: EN: HTML Optionen, Futures, Swaps, Termingeschäfte und sonstige Derivatekontrakte in Bezug auf Klimavariablen, Frachtraten, Emissionszertifikate oder Inflationsraten oder andere amtliche Wirtschaftsstatistiken, die in bar beglichen werden müssen oder in bar abgerechnet werden können (Außer infolge eines Verzuges oder eines anderen Kündigungsereignisses) sowie alle anderen Derivateverträge über Vermögenswerte, Rechte, Pflichten, Indizes und Maßnahmen, die in diesem Teil nicht anderweitig erwähnt sind und die die Merkmale anderer derivativer Finanzinstrumente aufweisen Dass sie unter anderem auf einem geregelten Markt oder einer MTF gehandelt, durch anerkannte Clearingstellen geklärt und beglichen werden oder regelmäßig Margin-Anrufe unterliegen. FSA ist eine Abkürzung für Financial Services Authority Seychelles. FX Contract bedeutet einen Vertrag zwischen der Leadcapital Corp Ltd Company und ihrem Kunden zum Austausch von zwei Währungen zu einem vereinbarten Wechselkurs Order bedeutet die Anforderung / Anweisung des Kunden an die Gesellschaft im Kundenkonto. OTC bedeutet über dem Zähler und bezieht sich auf Geschäfte, die anders als an einer Börse durchgeführt werden. LCC Trading Desk bedeutet das von uns betreute Trading-Desk in unserem Hause den Hauptsitz der Leadcapital Corp Ltd in Suite 3, Global Village, Jivans Complex, Mont Fleuri, Mahe, Seychellen. LCC Online Trading System bedeutet das internetbasierte Handelssystem Unsere Web site, die Ihnen erlaubt, uns Anweisungen zur Verfügung zu stellen. US-Meldepflichtige In Übereinstimmung mit FATCA ist eine US-Meldepflichtige: a) ein US-Bürger (einschließlich Dualbürger) b) ein in den USA ansässiger Ausländer für steuerliche Zwecke c) eine inländische Partnerschaft d) eine inländische Aktiengesellschaft e) Ausländisches Vermögen f) jedes Vertrauen, wenn: ein Gericht in den Vereinigten Staaten in der Lage ist, die primäre Aufsicht über die Verwaltung des Vertrauens auszuüben, das ein oder mehrere Personen der Vereinigten Staaten befugt sind, alle wesentlichen Entscheidungen des Vertrauens einer anderen Person, Ausländische Person. Gesicherte Verpflichtungen sind die von Ihnen an uns geschuldeten Nettoverpflichtungen nach dem Aufrechnungsantrag gemäß Ziffer 13 (Kundengelder) im Absatz (Verzug auf Verzug). Dienstleistungen sind die von der Gesellschaft an die Kunden erbrachten Wertpapierdienstleistungen, die durch diese Vereinbarung geregelt werden, da diese hierin beschrieben werden. System bedeutet alle Computerhardware und - software, Ausrüstung, Netzwerkeinrichtungen und andere Ressourcen und Einrichtungen, die für die Verwendung eines elektronischen Dienstes erforderlich sind. Transaktion bedeutet jede Art von Transaktion, die Gegenstand dieses Abkommens ist und einen CFD-, Spot - oder Terminkontrakt jeder Art, eines zukünftigen Options - oder sonstigen Derivatkontrakts in Bezug auf alle Rohstoffe, Finanzinstrumente (einschließlich Sicherheiten), Währungen, Zinssätze und Index umfasst Oder eine beliebige Kombination davon und alle anderen Transaktionen oder Finanzinstrumente, für die wir von Zeit zu Zeit unter unserer Lizenz berechtigt sind, die wir beide zustimmen, sind eine Transaktion. Geltungsbereich dieses Abkommens Dieses Abkommen legt die Grundlage für die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen für Sie fest. Diese Vereinbarung regelt jede Transaktion, die während oder nach der Durchführung dieses Vertrages zwischen uns geschlossen oder geschlossen ist. Diese Vereinbarung ersetzt alle vorherigen Vereinbarungen zwischen Ihnen und uns zu demselben Thema und tritt mit Ihrer Annahme über unsere Website in Kraft. Dieses Abkommen gilt für alle nach diesem Abkommen vorgesehenen Geschäfte. Die Beziehung zwischen dem Kunden und dem LCC unterliegt diesem Abkommen. Dieses Abkommen ist ein Fernabsatzvertrag und hat die gleichen Rechte und Pflichten wie ein ordnungsgemäß unterzeichneter Vertrag. Für den Fall, dass Sie, der Kunde, eine unterzeichnete Vereinbarung wünschen, sollte der Kunde zwei (zwei) Kopien an LCC ausdrucken und absenden, wobei LCC die Vereinbarungen unterzeichnen und streichen sowie eine Kopie an den Kunden zurücksenden wird. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, diese Vereinbarung jederzeit zu ändern und Sie über eine solche Änderung entweder per E-Mail oder über die LCC-Website zu informieren. Änderungen des Vertrages gelten nicht für Transaktionen, die vor dem Wirksamwerden der Änderungen durchgeführt wurden, sofern nicht ausdrücklich etwas anderes vereinbart wurde. Falls Sie mit den Änderungen nicht einverstanden sind, können Sie die Vereinbarung gemäß Ziffer 18 hiermit kündigen. Informationen über uns Wir, Leadcapital Corp Ltd (LCC), sind von der Seychellen Financial Services Authority (FSA) mit der Lizenznummer SD007 zugelassen und reguliert. Unser Firmensitz ist Suite 3, Globales Dorf, Jivans Komplex, Mont Fleuri, Mahe, Seychellen. Unsere Kontaktdaten finden Sie in Paragraf 20 (Sonstiges) unter der Überschrift Bekanntmachungen. LCC ist ein Broker für CFD, Binäre Optionen und Spot FX Kontrakte. LCC besitzt und betreibt Websites, Handelsplattformen und Markennamen, wie auf der Website (leadcapitalcrp) angegeben. LCC betreibt über diese Websites, die Online-Handel ermöglichen. Diese Vereinbarung wird Ihnen in englischer Sprache zugesandt und wir werden für die Dauer dieser Vereinbarung weiterhin mit Ihnen in englischer Sprache kommunizieren. Wir werden jedoch, soweit möglich, neben Englisch auch in anderen Sprachen mit Ihnen kommunizieren. Kommunikation mit uns Sie können uns schriftlich (einschließlich Fax), per E-Mail oder auf anderem elektronischem Wege oder mündlich (auch telefonisch) mitteilen. Unsere Kontaktdaten finden Sie in Paragraf 20 (Sonstiges) unter der Überschrift Bekanntmachungen. Die Sprache der Kommunikation ist Englisch, und Sie erhalten Unterlagen und andere Informationen von uns in englischer Sprache. Jedoch, wo angemessen und für Ihre Bequemlichkeit, werden wir uns bemühen, mit Ihnen in anderen Sprachen zu kommunizieren. Unsere Website enthält weitere Informationen über uns und unsere Dienstleistungen sowie weitere Informationen zu dieser Vereinbarung. Im Falle eines Widerspruchs zwischen den Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung und unserer Website wird diese Vereinbarung durchsetzen. LCC überwacht Ihre Kommunikation, um die Qualität der Dienstleistung, die Sie erhalten, Ihre Einhaltung dieser Vereinbarung, die Sicherheit der Website oder aus anderen Gründen zu bewerten. Sie erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass solche Überwachungsmaßnahmen Ihnen keine Handlungs - oder sonstigen Rechte hinsichtlich der Art und Weise, in der das LCC Ihre Mitteilungen überwacht, berechtigen. Die unternehmenseigenen Dienstleistungen und Produkte werden nur Personen angeboten, die mindestens 18 Jahre alt sind (und mindestens das gesetzliche Mindestalter in Ihrem Land). Sie vertreten und garantieren, dass Sie, wenn Sie eine natürliche Person sind, mindestens 18 Jahre alt und volljährig in Ihrer Rechtshoheit zu einem verbindlichen Vertrag sind und dass alle Registrierungsinformationen korrekt und wahrheitsgemäß sind. Die Gesellschaft behält sich das Recht vor, den Altersnachweis von Ihnen zu verlangen und Ihr Konto kann ausgesetzt werden, bis ein zufriedenstellender Altersnachweis vorliegt. Die Gesellschaft kann sich nach eigenem Ermessen weigern, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen jeder Person oder Einrichtung anzubieten und ihre Eignungskriterien jederzeit zu ändern. Wir handeln als Auftraggeber und nicht als Vertreter in Ihrem Namen und Sie geben diese Vereinbarung als Auftraggeber und nicht als Vertreter (oder Treuhänder) im Namen von jemand anderem. Wir behandeln Sie als Privatkunden im Sinne aller anwendbaren Bestimmungen. Sie haben das Recht, eine andere Client-Kategorisierung anzufordern. Wenn Sie jedoch eine solche Kategorisierung beantragen und wir einer solchen Kategorisierung zustimmen, kann der Schutz durch die anwendbaren Bestimmungen reduziert werden. Dies kann Folgendes einschließen, ist aber nicht beschränkt auf: 1. das Erfordernis für uns, gemäß Ihren Interessen zu handeln 2. unsere Verpflichtung, Ihnen angemessene Informationen vor der Erbringung der Dienstleistungen zu geben 3. die Beschränkung der Zahlung oder des Empfangs durch uns Etwaige Anreize 4. unsere Verpflichtung zur bestmöglichen Ausführung Ihrer Aufträge, 5. die Verpflichtung zur Durchführung von Verfahren und Vereinbarungen, die eine rechtzeitige, faire und zügige Ausführung Ihrer Aufträge vorsehen, und 7. die Anforderung, dass Sie von uns angemessene Berichte erhalten Die Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Dienstleistungen. Verbot / Unzulässigkeit Zuständigkeit Die Gesellschaft behält sich das Recht vor, jederzeit und nach alleinigem Ermessen zu beschränken, ihre Dienstleistungen bestimmten Ländern anzubieten und sie als verbotene Länder im Hinblick auf das Engagement der potenziellen Kunden zu betrachten. Derzeit akzeptiert das Unternehmen keine neuen Kunden und / oder die Eröffnung neuer Konten aus den folgenden Ländern: Australien, Belgien, Kanada, Krimregion, Irak, Iran, Israel, Japan, Nordkorea, Puerto Rico, Sewastopol, Singapur und Syrien Arabische Republik, Sudan, USA, Virgin Islands (USA), Türkei. Die Liste der verbotenen Länder kann jederzeit ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. Der Kunde bestätigt hiermit, dass er nicht in einem der in der oben genannten Liste genannten Länder ansässig ist und keine Vereinbarungen hat, die Gesellschaft zu informieren, falls sich seine Lage in irgendeiner Weise ändert. Die Gesellschaft behält sich das Recht vor, zusätzliche Informationen zur Prüfung der Einhaltung dieser Klausel zu verlangen. Ein Verweis in dieser Vereinbarung auf eine Klausel oder einen Zeitplan gilt als Verweis auf eine Klausel oder einen Vertragskatalog, sofern der Zusammenhang nichts anderes erfordert. Verweise in dieser Vereinbarung auf irgendeine Satzung oder gesetzliche Urkunde oder anwendbare Verordnungen umfassen jegliche Änderung, Änderung, Verlängerung oder Wiederverwendung. Ein Verweis in diesem Dokument auf das Dokument ist so zu verstehen, dass es jedes elektronische Dokument enthält. Das Männliche beinhaltet das Weibliche und das Neutrum und das Singuläre umfasst den Plural und umgekehrt, wie der Kontext es zulässt oder verlangt. Wörter und Phrasen, die in den anwendbaren Verordnungen definiert sind, haben in diesem Abkommen die gleiche Bedeutung, wenn sie nicht ausdrücklich in diesem Abkommen definiert sind. Es gelten die in dem beigefügten Anhang enthaltenen Klauseln (in der jeweils gültigen Fassung). Wir können Ihnen von Zeit zu Zeit weitere Termine für Transaktionen zukommen lassen. Im Falle eines Konflikts zwischen den Klauseln eines Zeitplans und dieser Vereinbarung haben die Bestimmungen des Zeitplans Vorrang. Die Tatsache, dass eine Klausel ausdrücklich in einem Zeitplan für eine Transaktion enthalten ist, schließt nicht aus, dass eine ähnliche Klausel im Zusammenhang mit einer anderen Transaktion ausgedrückt oder impliziert wird. Sie erkennen an, dass Sie die Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung gelesen, verstanden und vereinbart haben. Überschriften dienen lediglich der Orientierung und sind nicht Bestandteil dieses Vertrages. Vorbehaltlich anwendbarer Verordnungen Dieses Abkommen und alle Transaktionen unterliegen den anwendbaren Verordnungen, so dass 1. nichts in diesem Vertrag alle Verpflichtungen ausschließt oder beschränkt, die wir Ihnen unterstehen Anwendbares Reglement 2. Wir können Maßnahmen ergreifen oder unterlassen, die wir für notwendig erachten, um die Einhaltung aller anwendbaren Bestimmungen sicherzustellen. 3. Alle anwendbaren Verordnungen und alles, was wir tun oder tun, um ihnen nachzukommen, sind für Sie und 4 verbindlich. Diese Maßnahmen, die wir ergreifen oder nicht treffen, um die Einhaltung aller anwendbaren Verordnungen zu beenden, dürfen uns oder einen unserer Direktoren, leitenden Angestellten, Arbeitnehmer oder Vertreter nicht haftbar machen. Maßnahmen der Regulierungsstelle Wenn eine Regulierungsbehörde Maßnahmen ergreift, die eine Transaktion beeinträchtigen, können wir Maßnahmen ergreifen, die wir nach unserem vernünftigen Ermessen für wünschenswert halten, einer solchen Maßnahme zu entsprechen oder etwaige Verluste, die durch eine solche Maßnahme entstanden sind, zu mindern. Jede solche Maßnahme ist für Sie verbindlich. Wenn eine Regulierungsbehörde für Ihre Transaktionen eine Untersuchung durchführt, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, mit uns zusammenzuarbeiten und umgehend Auskünfte zu erbitten. 5. KOSTEN UND ZAHLUNGEN Sie sollten sich der Möglichkeit bewusst sein, dass andere Steuern oder Kosten bestehen können, die nicht durch uns geleistet oder verhängt werden. Im Falle einer Mehrwertsteuer oder sonstiger steuerlicher Verpflichtungen, die sich aus einer Transaktion in Ihrem Namen ergeben, oder einer anderen Maßnahme, die im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung für Sie erbracht wird, ist der angefallene Betrag von Ihnen vollständig fällig und in diesem Zusammenhang müssen Sie LCC zahlen, wenn So dass LCC ist voll berechtigt, Ihr Konto mit dem ausstehenden Betrag belasten (ohne Steuern von LCC in Bezug auf LCC Einkommen oder Gewinne zu zahlen). Alle Zahlungen an uns nach diesem Vertrag erfolgen in der Währung, die wir von Zeit zu Zeit auf das von uns bezeichnete Bankkonto zu diesen Zwecken angeben können. Sämtliche Zahlungen werden von Ihnen ohne Abzug oder ohne Abzug geleistet. Vergütung und Aufteilung der Gebühren Wir können Gebühren mit Partnern, verbundenen Unternehmen, Geschäftsführern und Agenten im Zusammenhang mit Transaktionen in Ihrem Namen durchführen. Wenn Sie mehr Informationen über die Gebühren und Provisionen erfordern, die wir an Business Introducer und andere angeschlossene Unternehmen zahlen, informieren Sie uns und wir werden Sie mit weiteren Informationen versorgen. Eine tägliche Finanzierungsgebühr kann für jede FX / CFD-offene Position bei Abschluss des Leadcapital Corp LTDs-Handelstages in Bezug auf diese FX / CFD gelten. Wenn diese Finanzierungsgebühr anwendbar ist, wird sie entweder aufgefordert, vom Kunden direkt an Leadcapital Corp LTD bezahlt zu werden oder es wird von Leadcapital Corp LTD an den Kunden gezahlt, abhängig von der Art der FX / CFD und der Art der Position, die der Kunde hält . Die Berechnungsmethode der Finanzierungsgebühr variiert je nach Art der FX / CFD, auf die sie angewendet wird. Darüber hinaus wird die Höhe der Finanzierungskosten variieren, da sie mit den aktuellen Zinssätzen (wie LIBOR) verbunden ist. Die Finanzierungsgebühr wird dem Kundenkonto am nächsten Börsentag nach dem Tag, an den sie sich bezieht, gutgeschrieben oder belastet. Die Leadcapital Corp AG behält sich das Recht vor, die Berechnungsweise der Finanzierungskosten, der Finanzierungssätze und / oder der Arten von FX / CFDs, für die die Finanzierungsgebühr gilt, zu ändern. Für bestimmte Arten von FX / CFDs ist eine Provision vom Kunden zu zahlen, um FX / CFD Positionen zu öffnen und zu schließen. Diese zu zahlende Provision wird gleichzeitig vom Kundenkonto belastet, wenn Leadcapital Corp LTD die entsprechende FX / CFD öffnet oder schließt. Änderungen unserer Zinssätze und Kalkulationen erfolgen nach unserem eigenen Ermessen und ohne Vorankündigung. Kunden müssen immer unsere Website für die dann aktuelle Preise berechnet. Die Preise können sich aufgrund der Marktbedingungen (Änderungen der Zinssätze, Volatilität, Liquidität usw.) und aufgrund unterschiedlicher risikobezogener Fragen, die nach eigenem Ermessen der Unternehmen liegen, schnell ändern. Für MT4-Plattform: Der zukünftige Vertrag, auf dem ein CFD basiert, hat ein Ablaufdatum, und Kunden können ihre CFD-Positionen bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt schließen. Um die fortlaufenden Geschäftsbedingungen für den Kunden zu gewährleisten, wird der zugrunde liegende Vermögenswert dieses CFDs auf den nächsten Futures-Kontrakt umgestellt, wenn ein zukünftiger CFD-Kontrakt seine Laufzeit erreicht. Ein Kalender dieser Rollovers ist auf der Forexyard, Abschnitt Dokumentation / Standardspezifikationen, aufgeführt. Für das beste Interesse des Kunden, Rollovers wird auch in der Internal News-Bereich der Website, mindestens 5 Stunden vor dem Rollover benachrichtigt werden. Eine Prämie wird entweder aufgrund des Preisunterschieds zwischen den beiden Futures-Kontrakten dem Kundenkonto hinzugefügt oder subtrahiert. Jede offene FX / CFD-Transaktion, die vom Kunden am Ende des Handelstages gehalten wird, wie sie von Leadcapital Corp LTD oder am Wochenende festgelegt wurde, wird automatisch auf den nächsten Geschäftstag umgesetzt, um eine automatische Schließung und physische Abwicklung der Transaktion zu vermeiden . Der Kunde erkennt an, dass bei der Übertragung von Transaktionen auf den nächsten Geschäftstag eine Prämie in Bezug auf diese Transaktion entweder hinzugefügt oder von dem Kundenkonto subtrahiert werden kann. Die MT4-Plattform berechnet über Nacht Rollover um 21:00 Uhr GMT und die Rollover-Gebühr / Kredit wird belastet oder zu und aus dem Trading-Konto gutgeschrieben. Beispiel: Wenn Sie 1 Lot EURUSD verkaufen, zahlen Sie Rollover-Kosten auf 100.000 Euro, was zum aktuellen Kurs 0,017 sein würde. Diese Rate kann im Laufe der Zeit variieren, für tatsächliche Preise überprüfen Sie bitte die Standard-Spezifikationen auf unserer Website. Am Mittwoch um 21:00 Uhr GMT werden Overnight-Rollover-Gebühren mit drei (x3) multipliziert, um das kommende Wochenende zu kompensieren. Der Prämienbetrag wird von Leadcapital Corp LTD von Zeit zu Zeit in Leadcapital Corp LTDs absoluter Diskretion bestimmt. Der Kunde ermächtigt hiermit die Leadcapital Corp LTD, die Prämie für jedes offene Geschäft, das eine Prämie in Übereinstimmung mit dem jeweils gültigen Zinssatz angefallen hat, jeden Tag zum Zeitpunkt der Erhebung, die auf der Handelsplattform jeweils angegeben ist, hinzuzufügen oder zu subtrahieren Einzelnes Instrument. Sie haben das Recht, diese Vereinbarung innerhalb eines Zeitraums von vierzehn Tagen zu kündigen, der mit dem Datum beginnt, an dem dieses Abkommen geschlossen wird, oder das Datum, an dem Sie dieses Abkommen erhalten (je nachdem, was später eintritt) (Stornierungszeitraum). Sollten Sie diese Vereinbarung innerhalb des Widerrufszeitraums kündigen, so ist dies schriftlich an folgende Adresse zu richten: Suite 3, Global Village, Jivans Complex, Mont Fleuri, Mahe, Seychellen oder elektronisch an folgende Adresse: infoleadcapitalcrp. Bei Annullierung dieser Vereinbarung innerhalb des Widerrufszeitraums wird keine Transaktion gekündigt, die Sie während des Widerrufszeitraums eingegangen sind. Wenn Sie diese Vereinbarung nicht innerhalb der Widerrufsfrist kündigen, sind Sie an ihre Bedingungen gebunden, können jedoch diese Vereinbarung gemäß Ziffer 18 (Kündigung ohne Verzug) kündigen. LCC befasst sich nur auf der Grundlage einer Vollstreckung und berät nicht über die Vorzüge bestimmter Geschäfte oder deren steuerliche Konsequenzen. Eigene Einschätzung und Eignung Unbeschadet unserer obigen Verpflichtungen erklären Sie uns, dass Sie bei der Abgabe einer Transaktion ausschließlich für die eigene unabhängige Beurteilung und Untersuchung der Risiken der Transaktion verantwortlich sind. Sie stellen fest, dass Sie über ausreichende Kenntnisse, Marktkenntnisse, professionelle Beratung und Erfahrung verfügen, um Ihre eigenen Einschätzungen über die Vorzüge und Risiken einer Transaktion durchzuführen und dass Sie die Risk Disclosure Statement und Richtlinien in Bezug auf die Finanzinstrumente und die Märkte gelesen und akzeptiert haben Die in unseren Webseiten zur Verfügung stehen. Wir geben Ihnen keine Garantie hinsichtlich der Eignung der Produkte, die unter dieser Vereinbarung gehandelt werden, und übernehmen keine Treuepflicht in unseren Beziehungen zu Ihnen. Sie übernehmen alle Verantwortung in Bezug auf Anlagestrategie, Transaktion oder Investition, Steuerkosten und für alle Konsequenzen, die durch eine von Ihnen durchgeführte Transaktion verursacht werden, und LCC wird nicht haftbar gemacht, und Sie sind nicht auf die Gesellschaft angewiesen. Beiläufige Informationen und Investitionsforschung Wo wir generische Handelsempfehlungen, Marktkommentare oder andere Informationen in unseren Newslettern und / oder auf unserer Website bereitstellen: 1. Dies ist für Ihre Geschäftsbeziehung mit uns unerlässlich. Sie wird ausschließlich zur Verfügung gestellt, damit Sie Ihre eigenen Anlageentscheidungen treffen können und keine Anlageberatung darstellen. 2. Wenn die Informationen in Form eines Dokuments vorliegen, das eine Beschränkung für die Person oder die Kategorie von Personen enthält, für die dieses Dokument bestimmt ist oder für wen So sind Sie damit einverstanden, dass Sie diese nicht an eine solche Person oder Kategorie von Personen weitergeben werden. 3. Für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit dieser Angaben oder für die steuerlichen Konsequenzen einer Transaktion geben wir keine Gewähr oder Garantie Dass Sie vor der Absendung selbst von uns selbst gehandelt haben oder die Informationen, auf denen sie beruhen, in Anspruch genommen haben. Wir machen keine Zusicherungen über den Zeitpunkt des Empfangs durch Sie und können nicht garantieren, dass Sie solche Informationen zur gleichen Zeit wie andere Kunden erhalten. Alle veröffentlichten Forschungsberichte oder Empfehlungen können in einem oder mehreren Bildschirminformationsdiensten erscheinen. Interessenkonflikte Gemäß den anwendbaren Verordnungen muss LCC Vorkehrungen treffen, um Interessenkonflikte zwischen LCC und seinen Kunden und zwischen anderen Kunden zu bewältigen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird LCC alle angemessenen Anstrengungen unternehmen, um Interessenkonflikte zu vermeiden, wenn sie nicht vermieden werden können. LCC sorgt dafür, dass Sie fair und auf höchster Integrität behandelt werden und dass Ihre Interessen jederzeit geschützt sind. You acknowledge and accept that you have read and accepted the Conflict of Interest Policy, which was provided to you during the registration process and is uploaded on LCCs official website. 8. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS AND INITIAL DEPOSITS The Client acknowledges and accepts that the Company reserves the right, upon written notice, to freeze any trading account by virtue of any legal and/or regulatory requirements When you register for the Services, LCC will ask you to provide certain identifying information, as part of the account opening procedure that will allow us to identify you and categorise you according to the Client Classification Policy of LCC. You acknowledge your willingness to share with LCC certain private information which it uses for the purpose of confirming your identity and categorizing you according to the Client Classification Policy. This information is collected in line with our stringent verification procedures which are used to deter international money laundering operations and to ensure the security and safety of our customers trading activity throughout and is subject to the Companys Privacy Policy. You are requested to provide your bank account details prior to the opening of your trading account in order for LCC to be able to return any funds relating to your trading account. If you are registering as a legal entity, you hereby declare that you have the authority to bind that entity to this Agreement. LCC will treat with care the information you entrust to LCC, in accordance with the disclosures it provides during the registration process and in its Privacy Policy. Before you can place an order with LCC, you must read and accept this Agreement, including the risk disclosure statement, the trading policies and procedures as listed in clause 9 below, and all applicable addenda, you must deposit sufficient funds in your account and your customer registration form and all accompanying documents must be approved by LCC. Upon the approval of your registration, you will be notified by e-mail. LCC may, in its sole discretion, request that in addition to online acceptance of this Agreement, Customer must complete and submit any signed documents so required by LCC, including but not limited to this Agreement and risk disclosure statement. Currency of Accounts You will be able to open your trading Account(s) in USD, EUR, GBP - or any currency that may be offered by LCC. Account(s) balances will be calculated and reported to you in the currency in which Account(s) are maintained. In addition to the conditions listed in Clause 9 in the paragraph entitled Authority with regards to joint Account holders, the following additional conditions apply. Where your trading Account held with LCC, is jointly owned by two or more beneficiaries: 1. Each joint Account holder will be jointly and severally liable for all obligations to LCC arising in respect of your joint trading Account. 2. Each of you is separately responsible for complying with the terms of this Agreement. 3. If there is a dispute between you which we know about, we may insist that both or all of you authorise written instructions to us. 4. If one of you dies, the survivor(s) may continue to operate the trading Account and if there is more than one survivor, the provisions of this paragraph will continue to apply to the trading Account. 5. Where you provide personal and financial information relating to other joint Account holders for the purpose of opening or administering your trading Account you confirm that you have their consent or are otherwise entitled to provide this information to us and for us to use it in accordance with this Agreement. 6. Any of you may request closure and the redirection of balances, unless there are circumstances that require us to obtain authorisation from all of you. 7. Each of you will be given sole access to the funds initially deposited by you in your joint trading Account. Should you wish to withdraw these funds from your trading Account, you will be required to complete and sign a withdrawal form or an electronic withdrawal form, upon receipt of the completed withdrawal form you will be granted permission by LCC to withdraw funds up to the amount of available account balance, provided that the conditions for withdrawals stipulated in clause 9 are satisfied. LCC will credit the amount withdrawn in the same bank account, credit/debit card or other payment method from where it was originally debited. 8. In the case of withdrawal from joint trading accounts, if any of the account beneficiaries wishes to withdraw funds from the joint trading Account, you will be required to complete and sign a withdrawal form or an electronic withdrawal form, provided that the conditions for withdrawals stipulated in clause 9 are satisfied. Upon receipt of the completed withdrawal form you will be granted permission by LCC to withdraw any funds from the joint trading Account. LCC will credit the amount of funds withdrawn in the same bank account, credit/debit card or other payment method from where it was originally debited. 9. In order for this Agreement to be valid and binding it is required that all joint Account holders sign the Agreement and in case any of the Account holders wish to terminate this Agreement and close the joint trading Account held with the Company, the written consent of all Account holders shall be obtained in accordance with the provisions of clause 17 of this Agreement. 10. Without limiting the foregoing, the Company, is required to comply based on the Intergovernmental Agreement between Seychelles and the United States and has taken all reasonable steps to be considered in compliance with FATCA. The Client acknowledges and accepts that the Company, as an FFI, is required to disclose information in relation to any US reportable persons to the relevant authorities, as per the reporting requirements of FATCA. The Client may contact the Company for additional information and/or clarifications prior to the signing of this Agreement. In the event of a customer who due to its observance of Islamic religious beliefs cannot receive or pay interest, such customer may elect to designate, in the manner provided by the Company as this may be altered from time to time, their trading account to be a swap-free account not charged with or entitled to, premiums and/or rollovers and/or interest (Islamic Account). The customer hereby confirms and/or accepts and/or declares that a request to render their account as Islamic shall only be made due to the said Islamic religious beliefs and for no other reason whatsoever. The Company reserves the right to refuse accepting the request of a customer to designate their account as an Islamic Account, upon its sole and absolute discretion which shall be conclusive and undisputable upon the customer. In the event that the Company suspects that a customer is abusing the rights conferred to them by the classification of the account as Islamic Account, the Company has the right, without prior notice, to proceed with one or more of the following: The Company may add commission upon each and every one of the trades executed on the Islamic Account and/or The Company may cancel the special rights and/or conditions conferred to the Account due to its classification as Islamic Account, recall the designation of the Account as Islamic Account and render it a normal trading Account and/or The Company may restrict and/or prohibit the customer from hedging their positions and/or The Company may, upon its sole discretion, close any open positions and reinstate them upon the then real market price. The customer hereby, acknowledges that they shall bear all costs derived from the aforementioned action, including but not limited to, the cost on the change of the spread. 9. TRADING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Bonus Policy for Forex, CFDs LCC offers a number of attractive reward features to new and existing clients, including bonuses and one time trading credits. These bonuses are limited time offers and the terms and conditions associated with any bonus reward are subject to change. You will be given the opportunity to accept or decline any bonus reward you are offered. 1. Your bonus is added to your account balance and you may use it to place trades on the platform. 2. Bonus Withdrawal Restrictions: 2.1 At the end of Term or Period, the Client will only be eligible to withdraw the Bonus amount if the Client executes a minimum trading volume of 10,000 for every dollar Awarded by Leadcapital Corp Ltd. For avoidance of any doubt, in case the minimum trading volume requirements stated in points 2.1 above have not been met, and you submit a withdrawal request to LCC, the following shall apply: The bonus shall be cancelled. In the event of trading loses, all losses will be borne by the original deposit and the remaining balance may be withdrawn. 3. Any improper or abusive trading, not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, will result in the bonus being revoked and may also result in your account being frozen and the commencement of an investigation. Clients are prohibited from opening multiple accounts at Leadcapital Corp Ltd for the sole purpose of enjoying more than one Award. Duplicate accounts may be closed without notice. Leadcapital Corp Ltd will retain any Award rewarded to the Client, any earnings will be forfeited, and any amount deposited by the Client will be returned to the Client accordingly. The Client is not required to accept any Award offered by Leadcapital Corp Ltd all Awards are optional. The Client may choose not to accept an Award. In these circumstances, the Client will not be bound to the terms relating to Awards. Should the Client mistakenly accept an Award, the Client must notify a member of our Client Support Team within 5 working days of mistakenly accepting the Award. In such circumstances, Leadcapital Corp Ltd will remove the Award from the Clients account and the Client shall not be held to the Award terms, however, all other terms and conditions shall continue to apply. The Client must not have placed more than 5 trades since mistakenly accepting the bonus in order for the Award to be removed from the Clients account. 4.1 Customers have 90 days (timeframe), from the date of receiving the Bonus, to meet the abovementioned Volume Conditions. 4.2 Upon Timeframe expiration the Account shall be adjusted to the deposits made by the Client to the Account. 4.3 Clients that receive a trading bonus have 7 calendar days to execute their first trade from the day the bonus was granted. In cases where the client has not traded within the first 7 days, the Company reserves the right to remove the bonus from the trading account and add it at later stage upon request upon (Please contact your account manager). The 90 days expiration period for the bonus counts from the first time the bonus was granted. 2. Withdrawal Restrictions: 2.1 The bonus amount cannot be withdrawn until the minimum trading volume requirement of 10,000 for every US1 awarded by Leadcapital Corp Ltd has been met. For example if you received 100 as bonus you will need to generate a minimum trading volume of 1,000,000 before being eligible to withdraw your bonus. 2.2 If the Customer withdraws any funds before satisfying the required trading volume as per 2.1, the total reward (bonus) will be deducted from the Customers account 3. Any improper or abusive trading, not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, will result in the bonus being revoked and may also result in your account being frozen and the commencement of an investigation. Clients are prohibited from opening multiple accounts at Leadcapital Corp Ltd for the sole purpose of enjoying more than one Award. Duplicate accounts may be closed without notice. Leadcapital Corp Ltd will retain any Award rewarded to the Client, any earnings will be forfeited, and any amount deposited by the Client will be returned to the Client accordingly. The Client is not required to accept any Award offered by Leadcapital Corp Ltd all Awards are optional. The Client may choose not to accept an Award. In these circumstances, the Client will not be bound to the terms relating to Awards. Should the Client mistakenly accept an Award, the Client must notify a member of our Client Support Team within 5 working days of mistakenly accepting the Award. In such circumstances, Leadcapital Corp Ltd will remove the Award from the Clients account and the Client shall not be held to the Award terms, however, all other terms and conditions shall continue to apply. The Client must not have placed more than 5 trades since mistakenly accepting the bonus in order for the Award to be removed from the Clients account. Validation of Bonus The life of the granted Bonus is 90 days (the Term and/or the Period). At the end of Term or Period, the Client will only be eligible to withdraw the Bonus amount if the Client executes a minimum trading volume of 10,000 for every dollar awarded by THE COMPANY. If the Client withdraws any funds before satisfying the required trading volume, the total Award will be deducted from the Clients account. For example, if the Client receives a 100 Bonus, the Client will need to have a minimum trading volume of 1,000,000 in order to withdraw the Award at the end of Term. From the date the Client receives the 100, the Clients trading volume will start counting towards the volume requirement the Client must satisfy in order to withdraw the Award. Placing of instructions You may give us instructions in electronic form through the Leadcapital Corp Ltd Online Trading System. If any instructions are received by us by telephone, computer or other medium we may ask you to confirm such instructions in writing. We shall be authorised to follow instructions notwithstanding your failure to confirm them in writing. In this Agreement instructions and orders have the same meaning. Types of Orders Accepted Some of the types of orders Leadcapital Corp Ltd accepts include, but are not limited to: a) Good till Cancelled (GTC) - An order (other than a market order), that by its terms is effective until filled or cancelled by Client. GTC Orders are not automatically cancelled at the end of the Business Day on which they are placed. b) Limit - An order (other than a market order) to buy or sell the identified market at a specified price. A limit order to buy generally will be executed when the ask price equals or falls below the bid price that you specify in the limit order. A limit order to sell generally will be executed when the bid price equals or exceeds the ask price that you specify in the limit order. c) Market - An order to buy or sell the identified market at the current market price that Leadcapital Corp Ltd provides via the Online Trading System. An order to buy is executed at the current market ask price and an order to sell is executed at the current market bid price. d) One Cancels the Other (OCO) - An order that is linked to another order. If one of the orders is executed, the other will be automatically cancelled. e) Stop Loss - A stop loss order is an instruction to buy or sell a market at a price which is worse than the opening price of an open position (or worse than the prevailing price when applying the stop loss order to an already open position). It can be used to help protect against losses. Please note that because of market gapping, the best available price that may be achieved could be materially different to the price set on the stop loss order and as such, stop loss orders are not guaranteed to take effect at the price for which they are set. f) Trailing Stop - A trailing stop is the same as a stop loss order with the only difference being that, instead of setting a price at which the order is activated, the trailing stop order is activated at a fixed distance from the market price. For example, if Client has purchased a long open position and the market ask price increases, the trailing stop price will also increase and will trail behind the market ask price at the fixed distance set by Client. If the market ask price then decreases, the trailing stop price will remain fixed at its last position and if the market ask price reaches the trailing stop price, the order will be executed. Please note that because of market gapping, the best available price that may be achieved could be materially different to the price set on the trailing stop order and as such, trailing stop orders are not guaranteed to take effect at the fixed distance for which they are set. Following submission of an order, it is your sole responsibility to remain available for order and fill confirmations, and other communications regarding your Account until all open orders are completed. Thereafter, you must monitor your Account frequently when you have open positions in the Account. Your order shall be valid in accordance with the type and time of the given order, as specified. If the time of validity or expiration date/time of the order is not specified, it shall be valid for an indefinite period. g) Gap - a break between prices that occurs when the price of an asset makes a sharp move up or down with no trading occurring in between. Gaps can be created by a number of factors including regular buying or selling pressure, earning announcements, or any other type of news release. If a market gaps through all orders will be filled on a best efforts basis at first available price (not order level). Currency of Trades Unless otherwise specified by LCC, all trades shall be made in United States Dollars (USD). Terms of Acceptance for Orders You can place an Order via LCCs Trading Platform. Once your instructions or Orders are received by LCC, they cannot be revoked, except with LCCs written consent which may be given at LCCs sole and absolute discretion. LCC shall have no liability for failure to execute orders. LCC shall have the right, but not the obligation, to reject any order in whole or in part prior to execution, or to cancel any order, where your Account contains funds that are insufficient to support the entire order or where such order is illegal or otherwise improper. LCC may, in certain circumstances accept instructions, by telephone via LCCs Dealing Room, provided that LCC is satisfied, at its full discretion, of your identity and LCC is further also satisfied with the clarity of instructions. In case of an Order received by LCC in any means other than through the Trading Platform, the Order will be transmitted by LCC to the Trading Platform and processed as if it was received through the Trading Platform. It is understood that an Order will not be affected. In the event that LCC wishes to confirm in any manner any instructions and/or Orders and/or communications sent through the telephone, it reserves the right to do so. You accept that there is a risk of misinterpretation or mistakes in the instructions or Orders sent through the telephone, regardless of what caused them, including, among others, technical failures. We are required to have an execution policy and to provide our clients with appropriate information in relation to our execution policy. LCC takes all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible results for its Customers. LCCs Best Execution Policy sets out a general overview on how orders are executed as well as several other factors that can affect the execution of a financial instrument. Where you place orders with us, the execution factors that we consider and their relative importance is as set out below: 1. Price. The relative importance we attach is high. 2. Speed. The relative importance we attach is high. 3. Likelihood of execution and settlement. The relative importance we attach is high. 4. Size. The relative importance we attach is high. We are the principal to every order you place with us and therefore we are the only execution venue. We shall be entitled to act for you upon instructions given or purporting to be given by you without further enquiry as to the genuineness, authority or identity of the person giving or purporting to give such instructions provided such instruction is accompanied by your correct Account number and password. If your Account is a joint account, you agree that we are authorized to act on the instructions of any one person in whose name the Account is held, without further inquiry. We shall have no responsibility for further inquiry into such apparent authority and no liability for the consequences of any actions taken or failed to be taken by us in reliance on any such instructions or on the apparent authority of any such persons. Cancellation/withdrawal of instructions Orders may be cancelled via the LCC Online Trading System but we can only cancel your instructions if you explicitly request so, provided that we have not acted up to the time of your request upon those instructions. Executed instructions may only be withdrawn or amended by you with our consent. LCC shall have no liability for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including legal fees, arising directly or indirectly out of the failure of such order to be cancelled. Right not to accept orders We may, but shall not be obliged to, accept instructions to enter into a Transaction. If we decline to enter into a proposed Transaction, we shall not be obliged to give a reason but we shall promptly notify you accordingly. Control of orders prior to execution We have the right (but no obligation) to set limits and/or parameters to control your ability to place orders at our absolute discretion. Such limits and/or parameters may be amended, increased, decreased, removed or added to by us at our absolute discretion and may include (without limitation): 1. controls over maximum amounts placed to open a position using any of LCCs products 2. controls over maximum positions placed per trader and per asset 3. controls over our total exposure to you 4. controls over prices at which orders may be submitted (to include (without limitation) controls over orders which are at a price which differs greatly from the market price at the time the order is submitted to the order book) 5. controls over the Electronic Services (to include (without limitation) any verification procedures to ensure that any particular order or orders has come from you) or 6. any other limits, parameters or controls which we may be required to implement in accordance with Applicable Regulations. Should you surpass the limits and/or parameter we set, your trade shall be blocked and/or suspended. The position limits will be notified in advance to you either through LCCs website or trading platforms. Clients must be aware that Forex transactions carry a high degree of risk. The amount of initial margin may be small relative to the value of the foreign currency so that transactions are leveraged or geared. A relatively small market movement may have a proportionately larger impact on the funds that the Client has deposited or will have to deposit. This may work against as well as for the client. Leadcapital Corp Ltd exclusively reserves the right to widen its variable spreads, adjust leverage, change its rollover rates and/or increase the margin requirements without notice under certain market conditions including, but not limited to, when the trading desk is closed, around fundamental announcements, as a result of changes in credit markets and/or at times of extreme market volatility. In such circumstances, the Client agrees to indemnify Leadcapital Corp Ltd for any and all losses that may occur due the widening of spreads and the adjustment of leverage. Furthermore it should be noted that the Company operates on a negative balance protection basis this means that you cannot lose more than your initial investment. Execution of orders We shall use our reasonable endeavors to execute any order promptly, but in accepting your orders we do not represent or warrant that it will be possible to execute such order or that execution will be possible according to your instructions. If we encounter any material difficulty relevant to the proper carrying out of an order on your behalf we shall notify you promptly. At the end of each trading day, confirmations for all Transactions that we have executed on your behalf on that trading day will be available via your online Account on our website. It is your responsibility to notify LCC if any confirmations are incorrect. Confirmations shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive and binding on you, unless you place your objection in writing within 5 Business Days. You may request to receive the Account statement monthly or quarterly via email, by providing such a request to LCC, but LCC is not obliged to provide you with the paper Account statement. The Account statement may be provided at the expense of the client. Cancellation of trades We have the right to reject an order or to cancel a transaction if we have adequate reasons/evidence that the following have occurred: 1. fraud/illegal actions that led to the transaction, 2. any instance when LCC has cause to believe that a persons trading activities may be illegal 3. any instance where LCC may suffer any fiscal, regulatory, or pecuniary disadvantage by virtue of anyones activities 4. any instance where one or more transactions are judged by LCC to have been performed in violation of this Agreement. 5.orders placed based on manipulated prices as a result of system errors or system malfunctions, 6.arbitrage trading on prices offered by our platforms as a result of systems errors and 7.coordinated transactions by related parties in order to take advantage of systems errors and delays on systems updates. We reserve the right to cancel any and/or all trading positions and withhold and/or forfeit any profits incurred by the Customer on all the Customers trades if we consider that that the Customer has engaged in market Arbitrage. Disabling and Cancelling Deposits We have the right not to accept funds deposited by you and/or to cancel your deposits in the following circumstances: 1. if you fail to provide LCC with any documents it requests from you either for client identification purposes or for any other reason 2. if LCC suspects or has concerns that the submitted documents may be false or fake 3. if LCC suspects you are involved in illegal or fraudulent activity 4. if LCC is informed that your credit or debit card (or any other payment method used) has been lost or stolen 5. where LCC considers that there is a chargeback risk and 6. when you deposit 3,000 or more or if you make over 10 separate deposits to your trading Accounts and LCC is unable to verify your credit or debit card details or is unable to verify any other payment method used. In case of cancelled deposits, and if there is not a confiscation of your funds by a supervisory authority on the grounds of money laundering suspicion or for any other legal infringement, your funds will be returned to the bank account that have been initially received. Performance and settlement You will promptly deliver any instructions, funds, or documents deliverable by you under a Transaction in accordance with that Transaction as modified by any instructions given by us. We may require you to limit the number of open positions which you may have with us at any time and we may in our sole discretion close out any one or more Transactions in order to ensure that such position limits are maintained. In certain market conditions you may be allowed to trade using the Roll Over feature. The Roll Over feature enables you to extend the expiration time of your trading position before it reaches the expiry date. This feature can be used subject to the following conditions: 1. An additional 30 of the initial deposit must be added automatically to your initial investment. 2. The Roll Over feature can only be used in cases where the progress of the followed price does not take the direction which you had anticipated. 3. You can only use the Roll Over feature once for each trading position. 4. The Roll Over feature shall only be available up to 15 minutes before the expiry time. Improper or Abusive Trading Leadcapital Corp Ltds objective is to provide the most efficient trading liquidity available in the form of streaming, tradable prices for most of the financial instruments we offer on the trading platform. As a result of the highly automated nature of the delivery of these streaming, tradable prices, you acknowledge and accept that price misquotations are likely to occur from time to time. Should you execute trading strategies with the objective of exploiting such misquotation(s) or act in bad faith (commonly known as sniping), Leadcapital Corp Ltd shall consider this as unacceptable behaviour. Should Leadcapital Corp Ltd determine, at its sole discretion and in good faith, that you or any representative of yours trading on your behalf is taking advantage, benefitting, attempting to take advantage or to benefit of such misquotation(s) or that you are committing any other improper or abusive trading act such as for example: a) fraud/illegal actions that led to the transaction b) orders placed based on manipulated prices as a result of system errors or system malfunctions c) arbitrage trading on prices offered by our platforms as a result of systems errors and/or d) coordinated transactions by related parties in order to take advantage of systems errors and delays on systems updates. Then Leadcapital Corp Ltd will have the right to: 1) adjust the price spreads available to you and/or 2) restrict your access to streaming, instantly tradable quotes, including providing manual quotation only and/or 3) obtain from your account any historic trading profits that you have gained through such abuse of liquidity as determined by us at any time during our trading relationship and/or 4) reject an order or to cancel a trade and/or 5) immediately terminate our trading relationship No employee and/or former employee who currently works or used to work on a full time or part time basis for Leadcapital Corp Ltd or any of its related entities shall, during the term of the employee and/or former employees service to Leadcapital Corp Ltd or any of its related entities and after termination of service become a client of any brand of Leadcapital Corp Ltd (either directly or indirectly, alone or with partners, associates, affiliates or any other third party) without Leadcapital Corp Ltds prior written approval. Should Leadcapital Corp Ltd consider that the employee and/or former employee is trading with any brand of Leadcapital Corp Ltd without the Leadcapital Corp Ltds prior written approval personally and/or via a third party we shall consider all the trading to be abusive and/or improper trading. In such circumstances the employee and/or former employees trading account(s) and all open positions shall be closed immediately and any funds held within the account shall be confiscated. No business associate or former business associate of Leadcapital Corp Ltd or any of its related entities shall, during the period of the agreement between the associate/former business associate and Leadcapital Corp Ltd and after termination of such agreement, become a client of any brand of Leadcapital Corp Ltd (either directly or indirectly, alone or with partners, associates, affiliates or any other third party) without Leadcapital Corp Ltds prior written approval. Should Leadcapital Corp Ltd consider that the associate/former business associate is trading with any brand of Leadcapital Corp Ltd without Leadcapital Corp Ltds prior written approval personally and/or via a third party we shall consider all the trading to be abusive and/or improper trading. In such circumstances the relevant associate/former business associates trading account(s) and all open positions shall be closed immediately and any funds held within the account shall be confiscated. Trailing Stop functionality in case that MT4 terminal is closed In the event that the MetaTrader 4 client terminal is closed, trailing stop will not work. This happens as the trailing stop works on the client terminal side and in this respect, if the client terminal is closed, only the stop loss that was placed by trailing stop before the closing of the terminal can trigger. Without prejudice and subject to the terms of this Agreement, all Applicable Regulations and all conditions attaching to any relevant payments made to you under a bonus or rebate scheme operated by us, you may withdraw funds from your Account provided that such funds are not being utilised for margin purposes or have otherwise become owed to us. Once your withdrawal request is approved, your withdrawal request will be processed by us and sent to the same bank, credit card or other source for execution as soon as possible. (Note: Some banks and credit card companies may take time to process payments especially in currencies where a correspondent bank is involved in the transaction). The funds will be returned to the bank account/credit card/other source from which the funds were debited. You are fully responsible for the payment details that you provided to LCC and LCC accepts no responsibility if you have provided false or inaccurate bank details. Further, withdrawals bare third party charges which may vary in accordance with the terms and conditions of the third parties. These charges may be verified upon request. If you request a withdrawal of funds from your Account and we cannot comply with it without closing some part of your open positions, we will not comply with the request until you have closed sufficient positions to allow you to make the withdrawal. In order to process your withdrawal request please ensure that the funds remaining on your account following your withdrawal complies with the Companys bonus withdrawal policy detailed in section 9 above. If you have not met the necessary bonus trading requirements at the time you make a withdrawal request the bonus will be debited from your trading account. Withdrawals will only be made on request by you, by bank transfer to an account in your name or such other method as we, in our absolute discretion, may determine. LCC reserves the right to decline a withdrawal request if the request is not in accordance with certain conditions mentioned in this Agreement or delay the processing of the request if not satisfied on full documentation provided. LCC will endeavor to process your withdrawal requests promptly, however the time needed for the requested funds to be processed and appear in your account will depend upon the method used for depositing the funds. Please see below target timeframes for different methods of withdrawals: If deposit was made using: a wire transfer, up to 5 business days an online payment method, up to 5 business days a credit/debit card, up to 10 business days Stock Related Payouts on CFDs Payments on Stock Splits, Reverse Stock Splits, Stock Dividends and other Stock related events can have an impact on the share price and thus on the price of an equity based CFD. A person who holds a CFD position has no ownership of the underlying instrument. However, when a client holds a long CFD position, Leadcapital Corp Ltd shall pay the equivalent of the dividend to that client and deduct the equivalent from any client holding a short CFD position. This shall be done on or shortly after the ex-dividend date as that is when the economic effect is felt on the underlying share price. MT4 Trading Account Archiving If we do not record any activity in your MT4 Trading Account during a continuous period of three (3) months and you have a zero account balance, your MT4 Trading Account and all its history will be archived on our trade server. If you wish to keep using your MT4 Trading Account or restore it in the future, please contact us at infoleadcapitalcrp. Inactive and Dormant Account The Customer acknowledges and confirms that any trading account(s), held with LCC by a LCC Customer where the Customer has not:1. placed a trade2. opened or closed positions and/or3. made a deposit into the Customers trading account for a period of 60 days and more, shall be classified by LCC as an Inactive Account (Inactive Account).Where the Customer has and continues to: 1. place a trade 2. open or close positions and/or 3. make a deposit into the Customers trading account the account shall be classified by LCC as an Active Account (Active Account) The Client further acknowledges and confirms that such Inactive Accounts will be subject to a monthly charge of 10 (or equivalent in other currencies), relating to the maintenance/administration of such Inactive Accounts. The Customer further agrees that any Inactive Accounts, holding zero balance/equity, shall be turned to Dormant (Dormant Account). For re-activation of Dormant Accounts, the Customer must contact LCCs Customer Support Department and inform them of the Customers wish to reactivate the Dormant Account. The Customers Dormant Account will then be reactivated (subject to, if required, up-to-date Know Your Customer documentation provided to LCC by Customer) and become an Active Account. 10. ELECTRONIC TRADING TERMS These clauses apply to your use of any Electronic Services. Access and Trading Hours Once you have gone through the security procedures associated with an Electronic Service provided by us, you will get access to LCCs website and/or trading platforms, unless agreed otherwise or stated on our website in order to place orders for any Financial Instrument available from LCC and entering into Transactions with LCC. Further, you will be able to trade on the LCCs Trading Platforms with and through LCC with the use of a personal computer, smartphone or any other similar device that is connected to the internet. In this respect, you understand that LCC can, at its absolute discretion, terminate your access to LCCs systems in order to protect both the Companys and your interests and to ensure the systems effectiveness and efficiency. All references to LCCs hours of trading are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) using 24-hour format. Our Electronic Services will normally be available continuously from 21:00 GMT Sunday until 21:00 GMT Friday (winter time), every week, excluding public holidays where the Forex market does not operate and cases where the market is closed due to illiquidity in the financial instruments. Please consult our website for more details on operating times for each financial instrument. We reserve the right to suspend or modify the operating hours on our own discretion and on such event our website will be updated without delay in order to inform you accordingly. In this respect the operating hours, as indicated on the websites operated by our company and to which you have trading rights are the applicable. We may change our security procedures at any time and we will inform you of any new procedures that apply to you as soon as possible. Electronic Order entry for Market Orders equals Order execution In regards to Forex, to enter an online order, you must access the Markets window, then click on BUY/SELL for the relevant market. A new window will appear in which you enter the price and lot size. The order is filled shortly after you hit the OK button provided you have sufficient funds in your Account. Orders may fail for several reasons including changing dealer prices, insufficient margin, unspecified lot size or unanticipated technical difficulties. Restrictions on services provided There may be restrictions on the number of Transactions that you can enter into on any one day and also in terms of the total value of those Transactions when using an Electronic Service. Please refer to our website for details of the limits imposed upon Transactions carried out through our Electronic Services. You will be responsible for providing the System to enable you to use an Electronic Service. You will be responsible for the installation and proper use of any virus detection/scanning program we require from time to time. Use of information, data and software In the event that you receive any data, information or software via an Electronic Service other than that which you are entitled to receive pursuant to this Agreement, you will immediately notify us and will not use, in any way whatsoever, such data, information or software. When using an Electronic Service you must: 1. ensure that the System is maintained in good order and is suitable for use with such Electronic Service 2. run such tests and provide such information to us as we shall reasonably consider necessary to establish that the System satisfies the requirements notified by us to you from time to time 3. carry out virus checks on a regular basis 4. inform us immediately of any unauthorised access to an Electronic Service or any unauthorised Transaction or instruction which you know of or suspect and, if within your control, cause such unauthorised use to cease and 5. not at any time leave the terminal from which you have accessed such Electronic Service or let anyone else use the terminal until you have logged off such Electronic Service. In the event you become aware of a material defect, malfunction or virus in the System or in an Electronic Service, you will immediately notify us of such defect, malfunction or virus and cease all use of such Electronic Service until you have received permission from us to resume use. All rights in patents, copyrights, design rights, trade marks and any other intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered) relating to the Electronic Services remain vested in us or our licensors. You will not copy, interfere with, tamper with, alter, amend or modify the Electronic Services or any part or parts thereof unless expressly permitted by us in writing, reverse compile or disassemble the Electronic Services, nor purport to do any of the same or permit any of the same to be done, except in so far as such acts are expressly permitted by law. Any copies of the Electronic Services made in accordance with law are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You shall ensure that all the licensors trademarks and copyright and restricted rights notices are reproduced on these copies. You shall maintain an up-to-date written record of the number of copies of the Electronic Services made by you. If we so request, you shall as soon as reasonably practical, provide to us a statement of the number and whereabouts of copies of the Electronic Services. Liability and Indemnity Without prejudice to any other terms of this Agreement, relating to the limitation of liability and provision of indemnities, the following clauses shall apply to our Electronic Services. 1. System errors We shall have no liability to you for damage which you may suffer as a result of transmission errors, technical faults, malfunctions, illegal intervention in network equipment, network overloads, malicious blocking of access by third parties, internet malfunctions, interruptions or other deficiencies on the part of internet service providers. You acknowledge that access to Electronic Services may be limited or unavailable due to such system errors, and that we reserve the right upon notice to suspend access to Electronic Services for this reason. Neither we nor any third party software provider accepts any liability in respect of any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions in any data provided to you in connection with an Electronic Service. We do not accept any liability in respect of any delays, inaccuracies or errors in prices quoted to you if these delays, inaccuracies or errors are caused by third party service providers with which we may collaborate. We shall not be obliged to execute any instruction which has been identified that is based on errors caused by delays of the system to update prices provided by the system price feeder or the third party service providers. We do not accept any liability towards executed trades that have been based and have been the result of delays as described above. 3. Viruses from an Electronic Service We shall have no liability to you (whether in contract or in tort, including negligence) in the event that any viruses, worms, software bombs or similar items are introduced into the System via an Electronic Service or any software provided by us to you in order to enable you to use the Electronic Service, provided that we have taken reasonable steps to prevent any such introduction. 4. Viruses from your System You will ensure that no computer viruses, worms, software bombs or similar items are introduced into our computer system or network and will indemnify us on demand for any loss that we suffer arising as a result of any such introduction. 5. Unauthorised use We shall not be liable for any loss, liability or cost whatsoever arising from any unauthorised use of the Electronic Service. You shall on demand indemnify, protect and hold us harmless from and against all losses, liabilities, judgements, suits, actions, proceedings, claims, damages and costs resulting from or arising out of any act or omission by any person using an Electronic Service by using your designated passwords, whether or not you authorised such use. We shall not be liable for any act taken by or on the instruction of an exchange, clearing house or regulatory body. 7. Suspension or permanent withdrawal with notice We may suspend or permanently withdraw an Electronic Service, by giving you 24 hours written notice. 8. Immediate suspension or permanent withdrawal We have the right, unilaterally and with immediate effect, to suspend or withdraw permanently your ability to use any Electronic Service, or any part thereof, without notice, where we consider it necessary or advisable to do so, for example due to your non-compliance with the Applicable Regulations, breach of any provisions of this Agreement, on the occurrence of an Event of Default, network problems, failure of power supply, for maintenance, or to protect you when there has been a breach of security. In addition, the use of an Electronic Service may be terminated automatically, upon the termination (for whatever reason) of: 1. any licence granted to us which relates to the Electronic Service or 2. this Agreement. 9. Effects of termination In the event of a termination of the use of an Electronic Service for any reason, upon request by us, you shall, at our discretion, return to us or destroy all hardware, software and documentation we have provided you in connection with such Electronic Service and any copies thereof. 11. NO TRADING PERIODS/ ONE TOUCH GENERAL TERMS No trading Periods Each asset has its own trading time, these can be found in the asset index table. On the traders page, the trader will be able to see the time left to expiry and time left for trading. In general no trading times can last between 2 minutes to 30 minutes before the expiry time, these times vary from asset to asset, they also vary according to market conditions and the expiry time of each asset and may change as a result of a change in one of the underlying asset base conditions. At least 5 minutes before the no trading time, a notification with a countdown clock will appear on the traders screen, this countdown clock will counting down the time left to the no trading time. These clauses apply to your use of our One Touch Service. In-The-Money and Out-Of-The-Money Outcomes If the asset reaches the predetermined rate at precisely 17.00 GMT of the same day, the client becomes eligible to receive the payout of up to 500 at the time of the expiration. If, however, the investment is out-of-the-money on any day, the trade will stay open and be checked each day to see if the price has reached the predetermined rate needed for an in-the-money outcome. The trade will remain open until the Friday, at which point the trade expires. Purchases, Payouts and Refunds The client may purchase One Touch options whenever the market for the given asset is closed. It should be noted that in order for the client to receive the payout, the sample price of the underlying asset needs to reach or surpass the pre-set target rate only once during the option lifetime. In the event that the price of the underlying asset does not reach the predetermined level, the client will not receive any refund and will forfeit the entire amount of the investment. Therefore, the amount of profit or risk in this option is preset and known ahead of time. The option may only be purchased in units, at the price specified on the site. The options will be sampled (checked to verify if they hit the target rates) once a day, at 17.00 GMT, Monday through Friday. Whenever sample rates are not published five times during the week, the number of samples will be reduced accordingly. The predetermined payout will be transferred to the clients account on the option expiration date, even if the terms of the option have been met prior to the date of expiration. Control of orders prior to execution In case of technical failure of the trading platform or in case of extraordinary or abnormal fluctuations of the price of the financial instrument as offered in the market, we reserve the right, at our absolute discretion: 1. not to execute the order 2. to change the quoted price of the option(s) 3. to change the rate of return the option(s) offer 4. to place a limit on the investment amount of each option or on the number of units available for purchase 5. to cease the sale of the options or to offer you a new quote. In the event we offer you a new quote you have the right to either accept it or refuse it and thus cancel the execution of the Transaction. Without limitation, we do not accept any liability by reason of any delay or change in market conditions before any particular Transaction is affected. Cancellation of Trade Once the options have been purchased, the trade may not be cancelled at any point prior to the expiration of the option. 12. MARGINING ARRANGEMENTS Where we effect or arrange a Transaction, you should note that, depending upon the nature of the Transaction, you may be liable to make further payments when the Transaction fails to be completed or upon the earlier settlement or closing out of your position. You may be required to make further variable payments by way of margin against the purchase price of the investment, instead of paying (or receiving) the whole purchase (or sale) price immediately. The movement in the market price of your investment will affect the amount of margin payment you will be required to make. We will monitor your margin requirements on a daily basis and we will inform you as soon as it is reasonably practicable of the amount of any margin payment required under this clause. You agree to pay us on demand such sums by way of margin as are required from time to time as we may in our discretion reasonably require for the purpose of protecting ourselves against loss or risk of loss on present, future or contemplated Transactions under this Agreement. Failure to meet margin call Please note that in the event that you fail to meet a margin call, we may immediately close out the position. Margin must be paid in cash in currency acceptable by us, as requested from time to time by the Company. Cash Margin paid to us is held as client money in accordance with the requirements of the Client Money Rules. Margin deposits shall be made by wire transfer, credit card, e-wallet or by such other means as The Company may direct. Set-off on default If there is an Event of Default or this Agreement terminates, we shall set-off the balance of cash margin owed by us to you against your obligations (as reasonably valued by us). The net amount, if any, payable between us following such set-off, shall take into account the Liquidation Amount payable under Clause 15 (Netting). You agree to execute such further documents and to take such further steps as we may reasonably require to perfect our security interest over and obtain legal title to the Secured Obligations. You undertake neither to create nor to have outstanding any security interest whatsoever over, nor to agree to assign or transfer, any of the cash margin transferred to us, except a lien routinely imposed on all securities in a clearing system in which such securities may be held. In addition and without prejudice to any rights to which we may be entitled under this Agreement or any Applicable Regulations, we shall have a general lien on all cash held by us or our Associates or our nominees on your behalf until the satisfaction of the Secured Obligations. We treat funds received from you or held by us on your behalf in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulations. In particular, funds belonging to you that will be used for trading purposes will be kept in an account with any bank or financial institution used to accept funds which LCC will specify from time to time and will be held in LCCs name. By accepting this Agreement, you authorize LCC to make any necessary reconciliation transfers in order for the bank account balance to match the trading account balance, including, without prejudice to the generality of the above, withdrawals for the settlement of all transactions undertaken under the Agreement and all amounts which are payable by or on behalf of the Customer to LCC or any other person. It is understood that any amount payable by LCC to you, shall be paid directly to you to a bank account the beneficial owner of which is you. Fund transfer requests are processed by LCC within the time period specified on LCCs official website and the time needed for crediting into your personal account will depend on your bank account provider. You agree that any amounts sent by you in the LCCs bank accounts, will be deposited to your trading account at the value date of the payment received and net of any charges/fees charged by the bank account providers or any other intermediary involved in such transaction process. In order for LCC to accept any deposits by you, the identification of the sender must by verified and ensure that the person depositing the funds is you. If these conditions are not met, LCC reserves the right to refund the net amount deposited via the method used by the depositor. You, the client, acknowledge and confirm that no interest will be received on the balance of your account. Unclaimed client funds You agree that we may cease to treat your funds as client funds if there has been no movement on your balance for six years. We shall write to you at your last known address informing you of our intention of no longer treating your balance as client funds and giving you 28 days to make a claim. Liability and Indemnity You agree that we shall not be liable for any default of any counterparty, bank, custodian or other entity which holds funds on your behalf or with or through whom transactions are conducted. The Company will not be liable for loss suffered by you in connection to your funds held by us, unless such loss directly arises from our gross negligence, willful default or fraud. Set-off on default If there is an Event of Default or this Agreement terminates, we shall set-off the balance of amounts owed by us to you against your obligations (as reasonably valued by us). The net amount, if any, payable between us following such set-off, shall take into account the Liquidation Amount payable under Clause 16 (Netting). You agree to execute such further documents and to take such further steps as we may reasonably require to perfect our security interest over and obtain legal title to the Secured Obligations. You undertake neither to create nor to have outstanding any security interest whatsoever over, nor to agree to assign or transfer, any of the cash transferred to us, except a lien routinely imposed on all securities in a clearing system in which such securities may be held. In addition and without prejudice to any rights to which we may be entitled under this Agreement or any Applicable Regulations, we shall have a general lien on all cash held by us or our Associates or our nominees on your behalf until the satisfaction of the Secured Obligations. 14. REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS You represent and warrant to us on the date this Agreement comes into effect and as of the date of each Transaction that: 1. if you are a natural person, you are of legal age and you have full legal capacity to enter into this Agreement 2. if you are not a natural person: A. you are duly organized, constituted and validly existing under the applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which you are constituted B. execution and delivery of this Agreement, all Transactions and the performance of all obligations contemplated under this Agreement have been duly authorized by you and C. each natural person executing and delivering this Agreement on your behalf, entering Transactions and the performance of all obligations contemplated under this Agreement have been duly authorized by you and have been disclosed to us providing all the necessary information and/or documentation, 3. you have all necessary authority, powers, consents, licences and authorisations and have taken all necessary action to enable you lawfully to enter into and perform this Agreement and such Transaction and to grant the security interests and powers referred to in this Agreement 4. the persons entering into this Agreement and each Transaction on your behalf have been duly authorised to do so and are disclosed to us giving details of the relationship with you by providing all necessary information and/or documentation 5. this Agreement, each Transaction and the obligations created under them both are binding upon you and enforceable against you in accordance with their terms (subject to applicable principles of equity) and do not and will not violate the terms of any regulation, order, charge or agreement by which you are bound 6. no Event of Default or any event which may become (with the passage of time, the giving of notice, the making of any determination or any combination of the above) an Event of Default (a Potential Event of Default) has occurred and is continuing with respect to you or any Credit Support Provider 7. you act as principal and sole beneficial owner (but not as trustee) in entering into this Agreement and each Transaction and in case you wish to open, either in the present time or in the future, more than one accounts with LCC either as individual client (natural person) or as the beneficial owner of a corporate client (legal person) it is required to immediately disclose to us that you are the beneficial owner of the account(s) during the account opening procedure and to provide us with the necessary information and/or documentation regarding the relationship between the natural and/or legal person(s) 8. any information which you provide or have provided to us in respect of your financial position, domicile or other matters is accurate and not misleading in any material respect 9. you are willing and financially able to sustain a total loss of funds resulting from Transactions and trading in such Transactions is a suitable investment for you and 10. except as otherwise agreed by us, you are the sole beneficial owner of all funds you transfer under this Agreement, free and clear of any security interest whatsoever other than a lien routinely imposed on all securities in a clearing system in which such securities may be held. Your covenant to us: 1. you will at all times obtain and comply, and do all that is necessary to maintain in full force and effect, all authority, powers, consents, licences and authorisations referred to in this clause 2. you will promptly notify us of the occurrence of any Event of Default or Potential Event of Default with respect to yourself or any Credit Support Provider 3. you will use all reasonable steps to comply with all Applicable Regulations in relation to this Agreement and any Transaction, so far as they are applicable to you or us 4. you will not send orders or otherwise take any action that could create a false impression of the demand or value for a financial instrument. Nor will you send orders which we have reason to believe are in breach of Applicable Regulations or by taking advantage of the account(s) you may maintain with LCC could be considered as system abusive orders, including but not limited to ones intention to benefit from delays in the prices, to trade at off-market prices and/or outside trading hours and to abuse the system for trading at manipulated prices and 5. upon demand, you will provide us with such information as we may reasonably require to evidence the matters referred to in this clause or to comply with any Applicable Regulations. You agree and understand: That in the event that LCC has such proofs that are adequate to indicate that certain amounts received by you are proceeds from illegal acts or products of any criminal activity and/or belonging to a third party, LCC reserves the right to refund these amounts to the sender, either this being you or a beneficial owner of a legal entity. Furthermore, you also agree and understand that LCC may reverse any Transactions performed in your Trading Account and may terminate this agreement. LCC at the discretion of its compliance officer may report any suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities. LCC reserves the right to take any legal action against you to cover and indemnify itself upon such an event and may claim any damages caused to LCC by you as a result of such an event. 15. EVENTS OF DEFAULT The following shall constitute Events of Default on the occurrence of which LCC shall be authorised to exercise its rights in accordance with the paragraph below: 1. you fail to make any payment when due under this Agreement or to observe or perform any other provision of this Agreement and such failure continues for one Business Day after notice of non-performance has been given by us to you 2. you commence a voluntary case or other procedure seeking or proposing liquidation, reorganisation, an arrangement or composition, a freeze or moratorium, or other similar relief with respect to you or your debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency, regulatory, supervisory or similar law (including any corporate or other law with potential application to you, if insolvent), or seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, conservator, administrator, custodian or other similar official (each a Custodian) of you or any substantial part of your assets, or if you take any corporate action to authorise any of the foregoing, and in the case of a reorganisation, arrangement or composition, we do not consent to the proposals 3. an involuntary case or other procedure is commenced against you seeking or proposing liquidation, reorganisation, an arrangement or composition, a freeze or moratorium, or other similar relief with respect to you or your debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency, regulatory, supervisory or similar law (including any corporate or other law with potential application to you, if insolvent) or seeking the appointment of a Custodian of you or any substantial part of your assets and such involuntary case or other procedure either: A. has not been dismissed within five days of its institution or presentation or B. has been dismissed within such period but solely on the grounds of an insufficiency of assets to cover the costs of such case or other procedure 4. you die, become of unsound mind, are unable to pay your debts as they fall due or are bankrupt or insolvent, as defined under any bankruptcy or insolvency law applicable to you: or any indebtedness of yours is not paid on the due date therefore, or becomes capable at any time of being declared, due and payable under agreements or instruments evidencing such indebtedness before it would otherwise have been due and payable, or any suit, action or other proceedings relating to this Agreement are commenced for any execution, any attachment or garnishment, or distress against, or an encumbrancer takes possession of, the whole or any part of your property, undertaking or assets (tangible and intangible) 5. you or any Credit Support Provider (or any Custodian acting on behalf of either of you or a Credit Support Provider) disaffirms, disclaims or repudiates any obligation under this Agreement or any guarantee, hypothecation agreement, margin or security agreement or document, or any other document containing an obligation of a third party (Credit Support Provider), or of you, in favour of us supporting any of your obligations under this Agreement (each a Credit Support Document) 6. any representation or warranty made or given or deemed made or given by you under this Agreement or any Credit Support Document proves to have been false or misleading in any material respect as at the time it was made or given or deemed made or given 7. any Credit Support Provider fails, or you yourself fail to comply with or perform any agreement or obligation to be complied with or performed by you or it in accordance with the applicable Credit Support Document 8. any Credit Support Document expires or ceases to be in full force and effect prior to the satisfaction of all your obligations under this Agreement, unless we have agreed in writing that this shall not be an Event of Default 9. any representation or warranty made or given or deemed made or given by any Credit Support Provider pursuant to any Credit Support Document proves to have been false or misleading in any material respect as at the time it was made or given or deemed made or given 10. any event referred to in Clauses 15.2 to Clause 15.4 of this Clause 15 (Events of Default ) occurs in respect of any Credit Support Provider 11. Any situation where we consider it necessary or desirable for our own protection, or any action is taken or event occurs which we consider might have a material adverse effect upon, your ability to perform any of your obligations under this Agreement 12. you fail or omit to disclose to us your capacity as the beneficial owner of more than one accounts you may maintain with us and/or your capacity to act as a money manager on behalf of any other client of us 13. you take advantage of delays occurred in the prices and you place orders at outdated prices, you trade at off-market prices and/or outside trading hours, you manipulate the system to trade at prices not quoted to you by us and you perform any other action that constitutes improper trading or 14. any event of default (however described) occurs in relation to you under any other agreement between us. Rights on Default On the occurrence of an Event of Default, we may exercise our rights under this clause, except that in the case of the occurrence of any Event of Default specified in Clause 15.2 or Clause 15.3 of the definition of Events of Default (each a Bankruptcy Default), the automatic termination provision of this clause shall apply. Subject to the following sub-clause, at any time following the occurrence of an Event of Default, we may, by notice to you, specify a date (the Liquidation Date) for the termination and liquidation of Transactions in accordance with this clause. The date of the occurrence of any Bankruptcy Default shall automatically constitute a Liquidation Date, without the need for any notice by us and the provisions of the following sub-clause shall then apply. Calculation of Liquidation Amount Upon the occurrence of a Liquidation Date: 1. neither of us shall be obliged to make any further payments or deliveries under any Transactions which would, but for this clause, have fallen due for performance on or after the Liquidation Date and such obligations shall be satisfied by settlement (whether by payment, set-off or otherwise) of the Liquidation Amount (as defined below) 2. we shall (on, or as soon as reasonably practicable after, the Liquidation Date) determine (discounting if appropriate), in respect of each Transaction the total cost, loss or, as the case may be, gain, in each case expressed in the Base Currency specified by us in writing or, failing any such specification, the lawful currency of the United States (and, if appropriate, including any loss of bargain, cost of funding or, without duplication, cost, loss or, as the case may be, gain as a result of the termination, liquidation, obtaining, performing or re-establishing of any hedge or related trading position) as a result of the termination, pursuant to this Agreement, of each payment or delivery which would otherwise have been required to be made under such Transaction (assuming satisfaction of each applicable condition precedent and having due regard, if appropriate, to such market quotations published on, or official settlement prices set by the relevant exchange as may be available on, or immediately preceding, the date of calculation) and 3. we shall treat each cost or loss to us, determined as above, as a positive amount and each gain by us, so determined, as a negative amount and aggregate all of such amounts to produce a single, net positive or negative amount, denominated in the Base Currency (the Liquidation Amount). If the Liquidation Amount determined pursuant to this clause is a positive amount, you shall pay it to us and if it a negative amount, we shall pay it to you. We shall notify you of the Liquidation Amount, and by whom it is payable, immediately after the calculation of such amount. Where termination and liquidation occurs in accordance with this clause, we shall also be entitled, at our discretion, to terminate and liquidate, in accordance with the provisions of this clause, any other transactions entered into between us which are then outstanding. The Liquidation Amount shall be paid in the Base Currency by the close of business on the Business Day following the completion of the termination and liquidation under this clause (converted as required by applicable law into any other currency, any costs of such conversion to be borne by you, and (if applicable) deducted from any payment to you). Any Liquidation Amount not paid on the due date shall be treated as an unpaid such amount and bear interest, at the average rate at which overnight deposits in the currency of such payment are offered by major banks in the London interbank market as of 11.00 am (London time) (or, if no such rate is available, at such reasonable rate as we may select) plus one 1 per annum for each day for which such amount remains unpaid. For the purposes of any calculation hereunder, we may convert amounts denominated in any other currency into the Base Currency at such rate prevailing at the time of the calculation as we shall reasonably select. Unless a Liquidation Date has occurred or has been effectively set, we shall not be obliged to make any payment or delivery scheduled to be made by us under a Transaction for as long as an Event of Default or any event which may become (with the passage of time, the giving of notice, the making of any determination hereunder, or any combination thereof) an Event of Default with respect to you has occurred and is continuing. Our rights under this clause shall be in addition to, and not in limitation or exclusion of, any other rights which we may have (whether by agreement, operation of law or otherwise). Application of netting to Transactions This clause applies to each Transaction entered into or outstanding between us on or after the date this Agreement takes effect. This Agreement, the particular terms applicable to each Transaction entered into under this Agreement, and all amendments to any of them shall together constitute a single agreement between us. We both acknowledge that all Transactions entered into on or after the date this Agreement takes effect are entered into in reliance upon the fact that the Agreement and all such terms constitute a single agreement between us. 17. RIGHTS ON DEFAULT On an Event of Default or at any time after we have determined, in our absolute discretion, that you have not performed (or we reasonably believe that you will not be able or willing in the future to perform) any of your obligations to us, in addition to any rights under the clause 16 (Netting) we shall be entitled to take the following actions, without prior notice to you: 1. instead of returning to you investments equivalent to those credited to your account, to pay to you the fair market value of such investments at the time we exercise such right and/or 2. to sell such of your investments as are in our possession or in the possession of any nominee or third party appointed under or pursuant to this Agreement, in each case as we may in our absolute discretion select or and upon such terms as we may in our absolute discretion think fit (without being responsible for any loss or diminution in price) in order to realise funds sufficient to cover any amount due by you hereunder and/or 3. to close out, replace or reverse any Transaction, buy, sell, borrow or lend or enter into any other Transaction or take, or refrain from taking, such other action at such time or times and in such manner as, at our sole discretion, we consider necessary or appropriate to cover, reduce or eliminate our loss or liability under or in respect of any of your contracts, positions or commitments and/or 4. to cancel and/or consider void any Transactions and profits or losses either realised or unrealised and/or to close out the account(s) you maintain with us pursuant to this Agreement, immediately and without prior notice. 18. TERMINATION WITHOUT DEFAULT Unless required by Applicable Regulations, either party may terminate this Agreement (and the relationship between us) by giving ten days written notice of termination to the other. We may terminate this Agreement immediately if you fail to observe or perform any provision of this Agreement or in the event of your insolvency. In the event of termination, all Customers open positions shall be closed by the date of termination without derogating all the provisions aforementioned therein, including charges, fees and penalties. Upon terminating this Agreement 1. all amounts payable by you to us will become immediately due and payable including (but without limitation): A. all outstanding fees, charges and commissions and B. any dealing expenses incurred by terminating this Agreement and C. any losses and expenses realised in closing out any Transactions or settling or concluding outstanding obligations incurred by us on your behalf. 2. LCC shall apply best execution rules in cases where you have not provided LCC with specific instructions regarding the closing of your positions. 3. Return any funds remaining in your trading account to your bank account, specifically the account from which the funds were debited. Your funds may be returned to another bank account to which you are the beneficiary as long as you provide us with the required documents to verify that the account belongs to you. Termination shall not affect then outstanding rights and obligations and Transactions which shall continue to be governed by this Agreement and the particular clauses agreed between us in relation to such Transactions until all obligations have been fully performed. 19. EXCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS AND INDEMNITY It shall be noted that LCC and any entity related to LCC, will perform Transactions in good faith and with proper due diligence but neither we nor our directors, officers, employees, or agents shall be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise, incurred or suffered by you under this Agreement (including any Transaction or where we have declined to enter into a proposed Transaction) unless such loss is a reasonably foreseeable consequence or arises directly from our or their respective gross negligence, willful default or fraud. In no circumstance, shall we have liability for losses suffered by you or any third party for any special or consequential damage, loss of profits, loss of goodwill or loss of business opportunity arising under or in connection with this Agreement, whether arising out of negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise. Nothing in this Agreement will limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence. LCC will not be held liable for any lost opportunities by you that have resulted in either losses or reduction (or increase) in the value of your Financial Instruments. Without limitation, we do not accept liability for any adverse tax implications of any Transaction whatsoever. The levels we present on our site are the ones LCC is willing to sell options at, they are not the real time market levels. Changes in the market The manner of calculating the Transactions expiration rates of indexes, stocks, currencies and commodities which are offered by LCC are updated from time to time, the assets offered by LCC and the way the Transactions expiration rates of indexes, stocks, currencies and commodities which are offered by LCC are calculated may change from time to time at LCCs sole discretion. Customer undertakes to continuously ensure customer is updated on the assets and the manner of aforesaid calculation. We reserve the right, at our full discretion, not to execute the order, or to change the quoted price of the Transaction, or to offer you a new quote, in case of technical failure of the trading platform or in case of extraordinary or abnormal fluctuations of the price of the financial instrument as offered in the market. In the event we offer you a new quote you have the right to either accept it or refuse it and thus cancel the execution of the Transaction. Without limitation, we do not accept any liability by reason of any delay or change in market conditions before any particular Transaction is affected. Limitation of Liability We shall not be liable to you for any partial or non-performance of our obligations hereunder by reason of any cause beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation any breakdown, delay, malfunction or failure of transmission, communication or computer facilities, industrial action, act of terrorism, act of God, acts and regulations of any governmental or supra national bodies or authorities or the failure by the relevant intermediate broker or agent, agent or principal of our custodian, sub-custodian, dealer, exchange, clearing house or regulatory or self-regulatory organisation, for any reason, to perform its obligations. Nothing in this Agreement will exclude or restrict any duty or liability we may have to you under Applicable Regulations, which may not be excluded or restricted thereunder. LCC makes every effort to ensure that the Banks and institutions to which your funds and/or Financial Instruments are deposited are of good standing and reputation. However, LCC shall not be held liable in the event of a loss resulting from deterioration of the financial standing of a bank or institution, or for an event such as a liquidation, receivership or any other event that causes the Bank or institution of a failure and therefore leads to a loss of all or part of the funds deposited. Without prejudice to any other terms of this Agreement, LCC will not be liable for: Systems errors (LCCs or service providers) For any act taken by or on the instruction of a Market, clearing house or regulatory body. You further acknowledge that you are responsible for reviewing the expiration dates for the options, which are located on the Forexyard. Responsibility for orders You will be responsible for all orders entered on your behalf via an Electronic Service and you will be fully liable to us for the settlement of any Transaction arising from it. You acknowledge that you have not relied on or been induced to enter into this Agreement by a representation other than those expressly set out in this Agreement. We will not be liable to you (in equity, contract or tort) for a representation that is not set out in this Agreement and that is not fraudulent. You shall pay to us such sums as we may require, on a full indemnity basis, for any losses, liabilities, costs or expenses (including legal fees), taxes, imposts and levies which we may incur or be subjected to with respect to any of your accounts or any Transaction or as a result of any misrepresentation by you or any violation by you of your obligations under this Agreement (including any Transaction) or by the enforcement of our rights. We have the right to amend the terms of this Agreement. If we make any material change to this Agreement, we will give at least ten business days written notice to you. Such amendment will become effective on the date specified in the notice. Unless otherwise agreed, an amendment will not affect any outstanding order or Transaction or any legal rights or obligations which may already have arisen. If objections arise, you may terminate the Agreement within ten days from the notification by sending a registered letter and on the condition that all pending transactions on behalf of you shall be completed. Upon expiry of the abovementioned deadline without the customer having raised any objection, it shall be considered that you consent and/or accept the content of the amendment. Unless otherwise agreed, all notices, instructions and other communications to be given by us under this Agreement shall be given to the address or fax number provided by you to us. Likewise, all notices, instructions and other communications to be given by you under this Agreement shall be given to us in writing at the address below: Name: Leadcapital Corp Ltd Address: Suite 3, Global Village, Jivans Complex, Mont Fleuri, Mahe, Seychelles Email Address: infoleadcapitalcrp You will notify us of any change of your address for the receipt of notices, instructions and other communications immediately. Subject to Applicable Regulations, any communication between us using electronic signatures and any communications via our website and/or Electronic Services shall be binding as if they were in writing. Orders or instructions given to you via e-mail or other electronic means will constitute evidence of the orders or instructions given. You may request documents, communications and instructions that emanate from this Agreement be provided to you in a medium other that email. In such case the Company will provide the requested information in the durable medium of your choice. Recording of calls We may record telephone conversations without use of a warning tone to ensure that the material terms of the Transaction, and any other material information relating to the Transaction is promptly and accurately recorded. Such records will be our sole property and accepted by you as evidence of the orders or instructions given. Our records, unless shown to be wrong, will be evidence of your dealings with us in connection with our services. You will not object to the admission of our records as evidence in any legal proceedings because such records are not originals, are not in writing nor are they documents produced by a computer. You will not rely on us to comply with your record keeping obligations, although records may be made available to you on request at our absolute discretion. You agree to keep adequate records in accordance with Applicable Regulations to demonstrate the nature of orders submitted and the time at which such orders are submitted. You can access your statements online at any time via our trading platform. You may request to receive your statement monthly or quarterly via email, by providing such a request to the support department. We are obliged to establish and maintain internal procedures for handling complaints fairly and promptly. You may submit a complaint to us, for example by letter, telephone, email, or in person. We will send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint promptly following receipt, enclosing details of our complaints procedures, including when and how you may be able to refer your complaint to the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA) which is the relevant regulatory body. Please contact us if you would like further details regarding our complaints procedures. Third Party Rights This Agreement shall be for the benefit of and binding upon us both and our respective successors and assigns. You shall not assign, charge or otherwise transfer or purport to assign, charge or otherwise transfer your rights or obligations under this Agreement or any interest in this Agreement, without our prior written consent, and any purported assignment, charge or transfer in violation of this clause shall be void. You agree that we may without further notice to you and subject to Applicable Regulations, transfer by whatever means we consider appropriate all or any of our rights, benefits, obligations, risks and/or interests under this Agreement to any person who may enter into a contract with us in connection with such transfer and you agree that we may transfer to such person all information which we hold about you. Time of essence Time shall be of the essence in respect of all obligations of yours under this Agreement (including any Transaction). Rights and remedies The rights and remedies provided under this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of those provided by law. We shall be under no obligation to exercise any right or remedy either at all or in a manner or at a time beneficial to you. No failure by us to exercise or delay by us in exercising any of our rights under this Agreement (including any Transaction) or otherwise shall operate as a waiver of those or any other rights or remedies. No single or partial exercise of a right or remedy shall prevent further exercise of that right or remedy or the exercise of another right or remedy. If, at any time, any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the law of any other jurisdiction shall in any way be affected or impaired. 21. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Seychelles law. Each of the parties irrevocably: i. agrees for our benefit that the courts of Seychelles shall have jurisdiction to settle any suit, action or other proceedings relating to this Agreement (Proceedings) and irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of such courts (provided that this shall not prevent us from bringing an action in the courts of any other jurisdiction) and ii. waives any objection which it may have at any time to the laying of venue of any Proceedings brought in any such court and agrees not to claim that such Proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum or that such court does not have jurisdiction over it. Waiver of immunity and consent to enforcement You irrevocably waive to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, with respect to yourself and your revenue and assets (irrespective of their use or intended use) all immunity on the grounds of sovereignty or other similar grounds from suit jurisdiction of any courts relief by way of injunction, order for specific performance or for recovery of property attachment of assets (whether before or after judgment) and execution or enforcement of any judgment to which you or your revenues or assets might otherwise be entitled in any Proceedings in the courts of any jurisdiction and irrevocably agree that you will not claim any immunity in any Proceedings. You consent generally in respect of any Proceedings to the giving of any relief or the issue of any process in connection with such Proceedings, including, without limitation, the making, enforcement or execution against any property whatsoever (irrespective of its use or intended use) of any order or judgment which may be made or given in such Proceedings. Service of process If you are situated outside Seychelles, process by which any Proceedings in Seychelles are begun may be served on you by being delivered to the address in Seychelles nominated by you for this purpose. This does not affect our right to serve process in another manner permitted by law. 22. Promotional Terms Find below our Promotional Terms and Conditions I have read and understood the declaration of the US reportable persons. I do not fall under the definition of a U. S. reportable person. Confirmation regarding interest policy I acknowledge and confirm that no interest will be received on the balance of my account.

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